Today Aunt Laura and Bob came to visit. We went out to eat at the Olive Garden and went for ice cream. They were so kind to take Carlita to Vince’s Sports Center so that Karl and I could have time by Luke’s bed.
I got to breastfeed Luke at noon and at 6pm (he didn’t wake up for the 3pm feeding). He really latched on one breast for 5 minutes and then passed out. Good boy! Little by little. Carlita did very well with him, wanting to hold him and giving him lots of kisses and hugs. She was a good helper getting my water and breastfeeding pillow (aka “the Bone”) and patting Luke’s head. The doctor and nurses just love Carlita and she behaved very well in such an intense environment.
It’s so different now that he is all better. There’s hardly a nurse by his side every minute and hardly any tests being conducted on him. The first week we barely could keep up with everything that was going on, but now we fall asleep in the rocking chairs just waiting for him to wake up in order to change his diaper and feed him. I really want him to catch on breastfeeding in order to get home. It’s tiring to go back and forth to the NICU (though it’s a very nice place) but would love to sleep with him at home in our space and just take care of him. I’m sure soon enough this will happen.
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