Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, Aug. 22: On the home stretch

Big news. Luke drank all his milk by bottle over the night. Once he hit 4 bottles, they decided to let him ab lib, which means to let him wake up on him own and get feed. No more every 3 hours. It’s all up to him to wake up and tell us “I’m hungry”. Very exciting. Once he does this for 48 hours and doesn’t lose weight, he can get discharged. That means maybe Sunday evening but I think Monday will really be the day. So we worked on breastfeeding for half hour, which he tried his best but didn’t understand how to get more milk out and then got feed by bottle. We tried again later in the afternoon and he did much better latching on the left breast and feed for twenty minutes. I decided to sleep over at the NICU in order to get into the rhythm of breastfeeding all the time. Hopefully this all works out and Luke will be coming home either Sunday or Monday.

On Wednesday, Karl’s work, Delaware Guidance Services threw us a baby shower. It was planned a month ago because they thought my C-section would be next week. Luke had other things in mind. The baby shower was held in Wilmington and there was tons of good food, presents, and great company. It was just so nice that they did this.

In other news, Luke got his hearing screen and passed. He also got fitted into his car seat by the occupational therapist since he’s a preemie. We took cute shots of him in that seat. He’s so tiny in it. Next Luke is on the list to get circumcised. Karl is already feeling the pain for him. I hope this goes well but they haven’t come yet to take him away to do it. So we’re getting to those final steps to getting out of the NICU and getting home. Now its up to him with his feedings when we get home. Come on Luke – you can do it!

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