April 3rd- 5th month has begun
Really nothing has happened over the past month. We had a check up a few weeks back with Dr. McCracken. We weighed in (159) and heard the heartbeat. My c-section is already scheduled for September. 4th at 1:30pm. It’s weird to know that – I already scheduled it into my palm. Funny, huh? Karl asked about vagina delivery after C-section. McCracken was funny in her response, explaining that “we have already tested out the pelvic” with Carlita and it didn’t happen. Also second babies are usually bigger than first. If I happen to go into natural labor before the 4th, we can see what we will do but otherwise she recommended C-section. I agree! Look as much as I know natural birth is so much better in regards of bouncing back and for the mom/child, I don’t’ want to go through the same thing that happened with Carlita that I pushed all day and then have to end up doing a C-section. I know what to expect with a C-section and the recovery time. Plus Carlita and I were fine and have a great bond. So that’s settle!
The big news, though this month, was the birth of my niece, Sofia. Sandra went into early labor and on March 11th (one month early) Sofia was born. She is so adorable and tiny!!! She did stop breathing while she was breastfeeding, turning blue, which made us cry but she’s okay. She spent some nights in the NICU and now is at home with Mom and Dad on a heart monitor. I can’t wait to have all the cousins together. Carlita is going to have a blast being the boss of all these kids. It was amazing to see my sister give birth. She’s the only female in our family to do it a natural. Amazing woman!!
The big news, though this month, was the birth of my niece, Sofia. Sandra went into early labor and on March 11th (one month early) Sofia was born. She is so adorable and tiny!!! She did stop breathing while she was breastfeeding, turning blue, which made us cry but she’s okay. She spent some nights in the NICU and now is at home with Mom and Dad on a heart monitor. I can’t wait to have all the cousins together. Carlita is going to have a blast being the boss of all these kids. It was amazing to see my sister give birth. She’s the only female in our family to do it a natural. Amazing woman!!
Next week we have our Level 2 ultasound which is when we will find out what we are having. I’m very excited to know this time around and prepare for either a girl or a boy.

1 comment:
Lulu, Carl and Carlita- Congrats again!!! Lulu you look amazing and pregnancy agrees with you. Can't wait to know if you are having a boy or a girl. Love-Shannon
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