I can’t the first trimester is done. Wow! How it flew by! I had to go out to shop for maternity pants because I’m so showing which I can’t believe it. Just popping out. Last week saw Dr. McCracken, my Ob/GYN. She was very excited because she knew we were working on this for a while. We listened to the heartbeat and had to do a pap smear. So much fun! All looking good! This week we had our genetic counseling and first trimester screening, which is something new. This screening involves some blood sample and an ultrasound. They are looking for any signs of possible birth defects or Down syndrome. First we did the genetic counseling. Since we’ve done this before, we knew what to expect. Lots of questions about family history, but overall the counselor had no concerns regarding our history. Then we had the ultrasound. The little roo was moving around a lot, kicking and giving us the hand. It was quite entertaining. They measured the back of the neck and different parts, and the doctor came in and gave up the news that I had the chance of having a baby with Downs as a 32 year old – yes! I got younger! And a chance of a 20 year for T13/T18 (other chromosome defects). I got younger every minute. We were happy but it didn’t matter what the news was because we are having a baby!

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