This month I had my check up with Dr. McCracken. It’s so different this time around with doctor’s appointments. We’re not checking my cervix since I’m doing a C-section, just blood pressure and measuring my belly. I had a very bad leg cramp and have troubles walking with pain in my pelvic area. Dr. McCracken told me to eat more bananas, but that all the pains and aches get worst with every baby. My body isn’t what it used to be. Great! So I can’t even walk fast. NOPe! She told me to slow down. Look, last time I was teaching kickboxing up until this point. This time I haven’t even worked out at all (other than the occasion run here and there).
Then I had an ultrasound to check on how my plasma was “hanging” in my cervix. It’s still too low for their liking so we’re doing another ultrasound in a month. We got to see Luke and his little penis. It’s just so cool to see the inside of his body and see him kick around in there.
My semester is coming to a close, which is good. I’ll be taking one summer course to prepare my EdD proposal. Hopefully I can stay focus to get it done. Over Memorial day weekend, we went to he Woods Resort to celebrate our anniversary. Carlita had a blast in the pool and playground, and it was nice getting away from technology and the world for a while. For the first time, she said to my sister “Mommy has a baby in her belly”. So it seems she’s starting to get it but we’ll be working on helping her understand and get ready for the next baby this summer.
My semester is coming to a close, which is good. I’ll be taking one summer course to prepare my EdD proposal. Hopefully I can stay focus to get it done. Over Memorial day weekend, we went to he Woods Resort to celebrate our anniversary. Carlita had a blast in the pool and playground, and it was nice getting away from technology and the world for a while. For the first time, she said to my sister “Mommy has a baby in her belly”. So it seems she’s starting to get it but we’ll be working on helping her understand and get ready for the next baby this summer.
With the semester ending, now I feel I can concentrate on the pregnancy more – getting things ready like the crib and a baby registry. O the fun of it all! I do love being pregnant and love the summer so this will be a blast!


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