So I happened to also have a doctor’s appointment this week and they decided to move up my C-section day in late August. Don’t’ know the date yet because the scheduling person is out on vacation. When I asked when it would be, the nurse practitioner (she was the one I saw this week) told us (Karl and me) that it’s a combination of wanting a C-section at 38 weeks (last week of August) and availability (which means going earlier). O well!!! I was hoping to get through opening (for my job) here on campus but now it looks like I’ll be missing most of RA training. As much as I hate that since it’s the most important point of the year for my job, this baby and my body is saying it’s not that important. I have no bleeding or other symptoms for them to put me on bedrest. They just don’t’ want me to have nay contradictions or go into labor. I really don’t’ think that will happen considering I didn’t go into labor with Carlita but each baby is different.
I weighed in at 177 pounds this week. Getting up there in weight. I’m eating every 2 hours – always hungry and I’m itchy. I also have blast of energy (more than my usually levels) and getting more back pain. I am having a harder time bending over – my toes need some work and I’m getting leg cramps. Karl is so good at giving me massages and taking care of so much around the house. Carlita really gets that there’s a baby in my belly but don’t really understand what that means. When we ask her about her brother, she talks about her “brother” Jack from school (she grew up with him and was her first kiss at her 1 year birthday party – check out YouTube video of it). She keeps us laughing and entertained so much. It really is a great life I have and I have nothing to complain about. I’ve been blessed!

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