Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 26: 12 weeks 1st trimester complete

I can’t the first trimester is done. Wow! How it flew by! I had to go out to shop for maternity pants because I’m so showing which I can’t believe it. Just popping out. Last week saw Dr. McCracken, my Ob/GYN. She was very excited because she knew we were working on this for a while. We listened to the heartbeat and had to do a pap smear. So much fun! All looking good! This week we had our genetic counseling and first trimester screening, which is something new. This screening involves some blood sample and an ultrasound. They are looking for any signs of possible birth defects or Down syndrome. First we did the genetic counseling. Since we’ve done this before, we knew what to expect. Lots of questions about family history, but overall the counselor had no concerns regarding our history. Then we had the ultrasound. The little roo was moving around a lot, kicking and giving us the hand. It was quite entertaining. They measured the back of the neck and different parts, and the doctor came in and gave up the news that I had the chance of having a baby with Downs as a 32 year old – yes! I got younger! And a chance of a 20 year for T13/T18 (other chromosome defects). I got younger every minute. We were happy but it didn’t matter what the news was because we are having a baby!

Feb. 11th : 10 weeks – No longer a secret!

At 10 weeks, Luakroo2 is doing great. We had our last visit with Dr. Russell and he gave us the thumbs up. Wow! What a journey this as been to get this baby. I am starting to show or am more uncomfortable in my pants. I am having a rough time sleeping and my groin area is always aching. That baby is just settling in and making room.

Feb. 6: 9 weeks

The baby has graduated from embyeo to fetus. Wow! It has hands (well they look like claws), and little buds for feet. I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.

Jan. 28- 7 weeks and counting

You can see it now! Look it has a brain and a heart, and little bubs for arms. I have the cast of the wizard of Oz in my belly. No, really, this is pretty amazing to see the growth. I have been feelign fine, other than this past weekend I felt yicky – that’s really the only way to explain it. Also going to the bathroom more, and tired. I like to sleep but it’s hard with a toddler, like Carlita. Anyways, I don’t feel pregnant at all – if I didn’t know it, I won’t. Still going to another appointmetn next week for more monitoring. Keep growing little one!

Jan. 18, 2008 – the sac grows

Another week. Another visit to the doctor. This time we can see the heart beating, but not really anything else. You can see the sac and the “tadpole” that is growing – also the heart beat. So far so good.

Jan. 11, 2008 The first look at Lukaroo 2

O baby! We saw baby #2 for the first time today to make sure everything was going fine (and that there was only one baby in there). It’s a vaginal ultrasound – so much fun but it’s worth it. And there it was! The pregnancy sac. Wow! Cant’ see anything but very soon it will grow more and more. Dr. Russell’s office will keep monitoring me until 10 weeks to ensure the pregnancy is okay. Fine with me – more visits to the sac’s home.

Jan. 10, 2008

Yep! Pregnant with no help from outside forces. Now, how am I going to tell Karl. I hurried off to Babies R Us to get a Big sister shirt for Carlita to wear. I put it on her and hoped that Karl would noticed. He walked in and we’re all playing together. “Nice shirt – Big sister. Carlita where did you get that?” Carlita responses “mommy”. Karl asked “Where did you get that?” I smile and say BabiesRUs. Then Karl’s jaw dropped and he exclaimed “no way” and rolled on his back. “There’s no way!” Congrats Baby maker. It was quite a happy celebration in our house that night.

Jan. 9, 2008

Another positive test! No way! I called Dr. Russell to set up a blood test for the following morning. There’s no way this worked! Once those tubes were straightened out, the egg was able to travel to meet up with the boys. I looked at the date again. No way! Three years ago (2005) I found out I was pregnant with Carlita. What is it with this time period! This means that the baby will be born in late Sept., near the same time as Carlita. Great! I just love being pregnant during the summer and at the worst time of the year for my job. Okay.. come down Lulu. Let’s confirm this.

Jan. 3, 2008

Returning from an exciting trip to Oregon, I decided to do a pregnancy test. That can’t be right – two lines! What! Okay, I’m a week away from getting my menstrual cycle and anything can be wrong with a test. I’ll wait a week.

Prelude Story

For a year and half (since Carlita turned one years old), Karl and I had been trying to conceive with no luck. During my annual visit in September, my Ob-GYn recommended that I visited a fertility doctor named Dr. Russell. So off I went to see him. In order to determine what was going on, I had to go through a series of exams (which occurred in Oct). Sitting there with a doctor who knew more about getting pregnant than I did was eye-opening. There’s so much to overcome – poor egg and sperm. I did all the tests (Cervical mucus, ultrasound, hormone tests, Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and Endometrial biopsy). Go online to check what these are so you can understand the complexity of figuring out what’s going on down there. After all these tests, the doctor determined something was going on with my tubes and wanted to do a laparoscopy. O fun! An operation! Why don’t males have to go through all these? Anyways, I got this done in Nov. and it wasn’t so bad. Found out that my tubes were all twisted (like Twisted Sister) and were unable to pick up the eggs to allow them to travel down the tubes. Anything can cause this – but I think it was due to the caring from my C-section. The next step the doctor wanted to do was IUIs (Intrauterine Insemination). Well due to the holidays in Nov/Dec., we decided to hold off on these until the next year. This is where the new adventure picks up.