For a year and half (since Carlita turned one years old), Karl and I had been trying to conceive with no luck. During my annual visit in September, my Ob-GYn recommended that I visited a fertility doctor named Dr. Russell. So off I went to see him. In order to determine what was going on, I had to go through a series of exams (which occurred in Oct). Sitting there with a doctor who knew more about getting pregnant than I did was eye-opening. There’s so much to overcome – poor egg and sperm. I did all the tests (Cervical mucus, ultrasound, hormone tests, Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and Endometrial biopsy). Go online to check what these are so you can understand the complexity of figuring out what’s going on down there. After all these tests, the doctor determined something was going on with my tubes and wanted to do a laparoscopy. O fun! An operation! Why don’t males have to go through all these? Anyways, I got this done in Nov. and it wasn’t so bad. Found out that my tubes were all twisted (like Twisted Sister) and were unable to pick up the eggs to allow them to travel down the tubes. Anything can cause this – but I think it was due to the caring from my C-section. The next step the doctor wanted to do was IUIs (Intrauterine Insemination). Well due to the holidays in Nov/Dec., we decided to hold off on these until the next year. This is where the new adventure picks up.