It seems hard to believe that on Sept. 4th Luke was suppose to be born. What a difference a month it has been! When I’m holding Luke I just think that he can just be rolled up and put back into my belly right now because I was suppose to give birth this week. To think back to a month ago and all the drama we’ve gone through to now at home just sitting around holding him, it’ almost seems so long ago. Luke is doing great! We had two doctor’s appointments. Last week he weighed in at 6 lb and 2 oz. and this week at 7 lbs. and has grown one inch. He got his one-month vaccine shots (hepastis B) and was adored by the office staff. We also had a nurse come out to our place (as part of our benefits) to check up on how Luke is doing and he just keeps gaining weight which is very good. He’s right on mark if he was born today, and behind as a 1 monther but that’s okay. He’s eating very well (which keeps Mom up all night) and loves being held. He’s starting to have moments of full alertness, looking around and observing things. His big eyes just widen when he seems something new. Just so cute! Karl and I have been busy doing little errands every day. I really can’t just sit around inside all day but we have gotten to sleep in and we don’t push ourselves THAT much (that’s really Karl holding me back though).
Last weekend (Labor day weekend) Aunt Fran came to visit and we were apple picking. It was so nice to have another pair of hands to handle Luke and Carlita. After she left on Monday, we spent that day at the outdoor pool. I really wanted to be outside and it was a great day. Carlita and Karl kept busy in the big pool and horsing around.
Carlita is loving her brother. She always wants to hold him and feed him. When he cries, she lets us know “Baby is crying”. She does have her moments when she wants all the attention when people come over to visit and see Luke but otherwise the Luka family is adjusting well to the new little addition.